Top Inexpensive Live Stream Gear for Churches


Cheap livestream set up for church

Looking for a cheap live stream set up for churches? Yesterday we talked about the absolute cheapest route to live streaming your church service.

If you missed that, you can check it out here.

Now, let’s take it up a notch.

Maybe you aren’t wanting to set up and take down your live stream every service. You want a dedicated camera and set up.

Well, let’s dive into the costs, the pros, and the cons of an inexpensive setup. Oh and I’ll also show you exactly what you need to get this up and running

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. That means ECP will receive a small commission if you purchase after using the link. Thanks for helping fund the spread of God’s Word!

1 – The Costs

You can run a live stream with the following equipment:

  • A computer (preferably an i7 processor or higher, although an i5 can do 720p)
  • A Camera
  • A Capture Card
  • A tripod (with video head)
  • Someone to work the tripod
  • HDMI cords to hook everything up
  • An auxiliary cord from your soundboard to your camera (or this wireless mic )
  • An Internet Connection (preferably with at least a 3.5 Mbps or higher upload speed… not download speed)
  • OBS – A free streaming software that can stream to facebook or youtube.

So what will that cost me?

Let’s break it down

Total: $1,167.98

Not Bad!

2 – The Pros

Well, the pros of this set up are:

  • It can stay set up and ready!
  • It is relatively inexpensive
  • The fluid head tripod mount will give you silky smooth pans and tilts
  • You can build up from here!

3 The Cons

There are a few cons with this money-saving option:

  • The tripods are bulky in the auditorium
  • The camera cannot be controlled by a remote (this adds extra people to your live stream team)

These cons aren’t too bad, and if you are ok with them, this just might be the set up for you!

But if you would like the ability to have multiple cameras controlled remotely (at minimal cost) check back tomorrow!

Or you can check out my Kit here:

Hope this guide to cheap live stream set up for churches is a Blessing!

About the Author: Addison Smith is a church planter and media nerd. Read his testimony “From Agnostic to Pastor” here.

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