What is the Gospel


what does gospel mean

What is the Gospel?

That is such a huge question. I recently put out a book all about the topic called “Good News: Breaking the Chains of Who You Were, Becoming Who You Were Meant To Be.” But will cover the basics on this post.

The Gospel is something so rich! It literally means, “Good News.”

So what is this good news and why is it so important?

Well, the good news is Jesus died, buried and rose again. Now you may be wondering, “Why in the world is that good news!”

The reason it is so Good is because of the impact it has on everything. This gospel is so powerful that it can literally take you and remake you from the inside out.

It has the power to take an alcoholic and break the chains of alcoholism. It can take a liar and make them honest.

You see, we are broken deep within and the gospel has the power to heal that brokenness!


The cross deals with our sin, the resurrection offers new life. Friend, when you believe that Jesus died for your sin, your broken self dies, and when you believe that He rose from the dead, His new life is given to you forever!

Watch the video above for a quick explanation of the gospel. If you would like an in-depth look at the power of the gospel, make sure you read the book “Good News.”

About the Author: Read How Pastor Addison went from agnostic to Pastor.