The Easiest Way to Live Stream Your Church Services


how to set up live stream for churches

Is easy live stream for churches possible? Have you ever wondered that?

I know I did!

I remember sitting there as they discussed the potential price of $15,000 dollars for a switcher!

That was ridiculous.

I thought that even a $500 dollar course on how to set up livestream for your church was a rip-off.

So I went to work, studying and designing our church livestream system which has 3 cameras, 2 projected screens, and live stream to multiple TVs across campus.

So can it be done easily?

Friend, there is always a simple and easy way! Let’s dive into it.

Easy Live Stream for Churches

What we will cover:

  1. Which Platform Should You Use?
  2. What is the cost?
  3. How do I set it up?

1 – Which Live Stream Platform is Best for Your Church?

There are two main platforms that offer free streaming and those are the only two we will cover in this post.

They are Facebook and Youtube.

What are the pros of Facebook?

Facebook is very good at sharability. You may find it easier to get “views” on Facebook because of this.

But here is the sad news… often, those views are only three-second views by someone who is just scrolling by.

It feels good seeing the hundreds of views, but friend, if your desire is to reach people most effectively, I recommend youtube.

What are the pros of Youtube?

Youtube’s biggest strength is that it is a search engine. That means you can optimize your videos to be seen by the exact person who wants to see it!

That is so exciting… and powerful!

If you want more info on how exactly to optimize your youtube channel for growth, check out yesterday’s post here.

5 Ways to Grow Your Ministry Youtube Channel

With Facebook, your service will be irrelevant days after it has finished streaming (and that is being generous) but with youtube, if it is optimized correctly, your service can continue to minister for years after you stream!

That means more reach into your community, more impact around the world, and even more people able to financially support the work of the ministry.

2 – How Much will this Cost Me?

Well, like most things, you can spend basically nothing… or a hunk of change.

Let’s walk you through a couple of options.

Option 1 – Dirt Cheap

In this option, you will only need a smartphone and an internet connection.

With an app like “streamlabs,” you can bypass the need for 1000 subscribers!

My recommended set up for this is purchase a tripod and a phone mount like the one linked here:

If you would like good sound, you can use an auxiliary cord from your soundboard to your phone, or you can purchase a mic specifically for your phone.

I recommend this mic if you will be relatively close to the phone:

And This mic if you will be far away:

NOTE: If you get the mic directly above, make sure to pick up this cheap adapter or it won’t work with your phone:

3 – How Do I Set This Up?

Set up is very simple.

First, start a Youtube Channel if you haven’t already by logging in with a Gmail address.

Then you will want to download and log into streamlabs on your phone. It may ask for your “stream key” which can be found in your youtube account. If you need more help, comment below!

That is a one time set up, after that, simply put your phone in the tripod holder, plug your mic in, open stream labs and start streaming!

It is that easy.

Thanks for reading about “easy live stream for churches.” Tomorrow I will show you the medium level stream set up. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss out!

If you want a sneak peek at what I use, I compiled a kit of both the intermediate and expensive live stream setups below.


What I Use for Livestream Kit:

My Everyday Video Gear:

Hope this is a blessing! Let me know below what gear you love.

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    About the Author: Addison Smith is a church planter and media nerd. Read his testimony “From Agnostic to Pastor” here.

    Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. That means ECP will receive a small commission if you purchase after using the link. Thanks for helping fund the spread of God’s Word!