Top Inexpensive Live Stream Gear for Churches


Cheap livestream set up for church

Looking for a cheap live stream set up for churches? Yesterday we talked about the absolute cheapest route to live streaming your church service. If you missed that, you can check it out here. Now, let’s take it up a notch. Maybe you aren’t wanting to set up and take down your live stream every service. You want a … Read More

The Easiest Way to Live Stream Your Church Services


how to set up live stream for churches

Is easy live stream for churches possible? Have you ever wondered that? I know I did! I remember sitting there as they discussed the potential price of $15,000 dollars for a switcher! That was ridiculous. I thought that even a $500 dollar course on how to set up livestream for your church was a rip-off. So I went to work, … Read More

5 Ways to Grow Your Ministry Youtube Channel


how to grow on YouTube

During this crazy time, many ministries are having to switch to youtube to stream their services or bible studies. If that is you, it is important to know how to grow and run a youtube channel for maximum impact. While not being able to physically meet is definitely an inconvenience, I would love to show you some of the things … Read More

What is the Gospel


what does gospel mean

What is the Gospel? That is such a huge question. I recently put out a book all about the topic called “Good News: Breaking the Chains of Who You Were, Becoming Who You Were Meant To Be.” But will cover the basics on this post. The Gospel is something so rich! It literally means, “Good News.” So what is this … Read More

Why Be A Christian?


why be a christian

This is a massive question! Why in the world would anyone be a Christian? Well, in this video we dive into that very question with the hope of showing you… there is a reason. The question is… will you believe it?

Best Study Bible


best study bible for pastors

Have you ever wondered, “What is the best study Bible?” Well in this video I show you my absolute favorite Study Bible on the Market!

What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?


the true gospel of christ

The Gospel is central to Christianity. Yet there are many who don’t know what it is! In this video below I try my best to explain the true gospel of Jesus Christ as simply as possible. What is the Gospel??? So what is the Gospel of Jesus? Simply… it is His Death for our sins, His burial and His resurrection … Read More

What is Good? – What does it mean to be Human


what does it mean to be human

What is Good? This is a massive question that mankind has wrestled with for centuries! I was recently reading Aristotle’s work “The Nicomachean Ethics” and I loved one of his definitions of good. It was astounding and illuminating. Now, he wasn’t talking of moral good specifically, but just “good.” But if you want to see how it impacted me, I … Read More

How I Study The Bible


watch me study the bible

“How do I study the Bible?” you might ask. Did you know, you can understand the Bible for yourself! It may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. God wants to speak to each of His children individually, not only to the Pastors and Scholars. If you are curious how others study, check out this video. This is a … Read More