5 Ways to Grow Your Ministry Youtube Channel


how to grow on YouTube

During this crazy time, many ministries are having to switch to youtube to stream their services or bible studies. If that is you, it is important to know how to grow and run a youtube channel for maximum impact.

While not being able to physically meet is definitely an inconvenience, I would love to show you some of the things you can do to make the most of this time and grow your youtube audience.

Remember, if you can grow your youtube audience, those people may just become members of your church down the line.

With that out of the way, let’s get started.

1. Research Before You Title

Titles are one of the most important assets your video or Livestream has. Without a good title, no guest will click on your link to join the service!

If you want to grow your youtube channel, I suggest typing different ideas into the search bar of youtube to see the way others are wording similar topics.

Look at what others have done. Don’t steal, but definitely gather ideas.

2. Make Sure The Description Has the Exact Words People are Searching for.

When making your description, you want to make sure the exact words people are searching for are there.


Because that tells youtube your video might just be what people need!

Youtube is a search engine that wants to give people exactly what they are looking for. And you want your video to be the “go-to” for that specific content.

By doing this, youtube goes to work for you! Recommending your content even while you are busy doing other things. This is a sure-fire way to grow your ministry youtube channel.

WARNING: Don’t stuff your description full of keywords as that is against youtube’s terms of service, but put the words in coherent sentences and paragraphs to help your video be seen by more people.

If you want more training on how to go deeper with youtube and grow your ministry, check out this link. https://courses.seancannell.com/a/19797/P3nchnQH

I personally took his full course to help me understand how best to use Youtube to get the Message of the Gospel out most effectively with this tool.

Well worth it in my opinion.

3. Optimize your tags.

When uploading your video or even streaming, you have the ability to create “tags.”

These tags should be what people are typing into the search bar to find your video.

For example, if you are making a video on grace. Some tags might be “What is grace” or “what does grace mean in the bible” or What does Paul mean by grace.”

And the list could go on and on!

Don’t just put 1 tag, and don’t just put one word for each tag. Each tag should be multiple words, and the longer the better!

This will help put your video in front of people’s eyes when they are searching for it. (Thus getting visitors even while you sleep!)

4. Provide a Place For Online Giving.

With many not attending church physically, it’s important to provide a place for people to donate.

Churches still have expenses.

Now, this is HUGE!

By streaming online and providing a place for people to give, you will not only allow your people the opportunity to keep giving, but also people all around the world who want to support you!

Let’s just say there is someone in a small town who doesn’t have a good church. They stumble across your videos and become a faithful viewer.

Many of these people would love to be involved by giving, but unless you make it available, they can’t.

This could be a blessing during this crazy time, as well as long after this crisis is behind us.

5. Create an Eye-Catching Thumbnail

This takes practice, but it’s worth it.

Take time to use free resources like canva.com to make simple, eye-catching thumbnails.

Make your thumbnails 1920×1080 and go for it!

Keep them simple and easy to read, and improve a little each time.

Here is an example video you can check out to see the thumbnail, title and description.

Super Simple!

Bonus: Invest in an Online Course

If you are serious about growing your online reach, I find it best to learn from those who have done it. (even if it costs $$$, because the time it will save and the lives it will impact are worth it in my opinion.)

Here is the course that I have used, and it has been such a help!


This course could be taken by your staff (or yourself,) and will help them understand how to get your videos seen by the very people who need them.

He does talk about how to make money off of youtube (as that is the only way he could sell these courses) but the main push is how to rank your videos to get them in front of the exact people who want to see them and could be helped by them.

Hope this article gives you some ideas!

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    About the Author: Addison Smith is a church planter and media nerd. Read his testimony “From Agnostic to Pastor” here.

    Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. That means ECP will receive a small commission if you purchase after using the link. Thanks for helping fund the spread of God’s Word!